
Posted on the


In all seriousness, I realize I do have a few issues I need to figure out when it comes to writing. I want to write, I want to post about my projects and my experiences, but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it. I think I might just be embarrassed… about everything really. My projects are kind of done but not really and they never will be because being done is a myth you tell yourself when doing something for the sake of doing something isn't something you can live with (chronic stress, yay). Stuff has been getting extremely hectic IRL with university and my mad dash to hopefully finish by next year and I can barely think about my projects anymore. Even when I do, I mostly just code for myself with practically no comments or explanations, I CAN'T POST THAT!

I could make a promise. That I would somewhat document my projects or that I would finally put them up on a git of some kind or something, it's not like I don't have one. But I know that I'm not going to be able to keep that promise so that isn't going to happen. I guess I'll have to figure out what I want to actually do with this site and go from there…